On Friday evening, Lisa, Arthur and I had our first playtest of Fistful of Lead Bigger Battles. The game was inspired by Lisa's research into the Kerensky Offensive on the Eastern Front in 1917, where a squadron of Royal Navy Air Service armoured cars reinforced the Russian Army.
The battle featured the Russian and their British allies attacking German trenches.
Russian cavalry advances, supported by infantry following up behind.
Russians used this cover to good effect to close with the German infantry.
Russian cavalry charge the German trench.
However, their assault failed, and then the Germans routed.
The verdict is that Bigger Battles gives a good, fun, fast-paced game. Complexity is similar to a Dan Mersey Rampant-style game. I had thought that morale might have been an issue, but it wasn't. Due to the way shock works in this game, a unit that is battered is most likely to fall back and eventually rout off the table.
And then on Sunday, we had our monthly gangsters gaming day. I got to represent the South Side gang as Moe's Diamondbacks attempted to cut through their territory. Moe rolled to see how many South Siders were on the street, and ended up with 17 various gangsters ready to stop his single red truck transporting 6 Diamondbacks.
They blew out a tire, causing the truck to careen into a nanny pushing a pram. Morale outrage was assured!
At this point, we pulled the dreaded back-to-back jokers, which is the trigger for the cops to arrive. Only two of the Diamondbacks clear the table in time, the remainder are arrested. Most likely, being arrested saved them from rough justice at the hands of the outraged Southsiders!
As a result of this battle, there weren't enough Diamondbacks left to raid my Docksiders' gin joint. This left me free to bully another business in my neighbourhood into accepting my 'protection'!