Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Swan Knights of Dol Amroth

 Assembling the forces for our attempt at Gondorian Infamy last weekend, I found that the Roman Auxiliary Cavalry list called for two groups of 6 cavalry, but my Middle-earth collection only had 5 knights of Gondor, plus Aragorn and Boromir on horses.  As a quick solution, 6 light horse will conscripted from my El Cid-era Spanish force.  However, pride dictated that I needed another 6 horsemen specific to Middle-earth's kingdoms of Men.  

Arthur and I took a trip to Imperial Hobbies, where we found they had knights of Gondor in stock, CAD$55 for 6.  However, they also had Fireforge mounted sergeants, CAD$44 for 12. Parsimoniousness beat out brand loyalty, and I quickly assembled 6 caparisoned horses along with suitable riders.  I didn't really like the head options that came with the sergeants, so I found a few replacements in the Russian foot box.  Then I slapped on a quick paint job to set these riders up as the famous Swan Knights of Dol Amroth, who were among the soldiers mustered to protect Minas Tirith during the War of the Ring.


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