Sunday, 26 January 2025

Spaceship Interior WIP part 2

 Work is slowly progressing on the spaceship interior scenery.  

Getting a smooth cut on the walls continues to be a challenge.  I picked up a couple more packs of floor mats, and will cut some new ones, this time with a brand new, sharp blade, so that the cuts are not all ragged.

Meanwhile, I've painted a few new bits of scatter terrain.  These next few pieces I picked up at the Imperial Hobbies Boxing Day sale.  This thingy is supposed to be some sort of micro-scale spaceship from a monster battle game, but for me it will be part of the engine room for the spaceship.  Beside it is a Terrain Crate motor.

These computery pieces will be used on the ship's bridge.

Two piles of materials will be cargo in the ship, and can of course be used in 20th century wargames, too!

I finished up the Terrain Crate doors.

As well as some other Terrain Crate scatter pieces.

I have some more wall cutting to do.  Walls will be pinned in place with these little finishing nails.  This will hold them in place for a game and prevent accidental relocation when they are inevitably bumped, but will be easy to lift and move around to make a new layout.

One of the tricks to getting a clean cut (just like with foamcore) is to use a new, sharp blade. I redid the walls and this lot are smoother.  I tried using my hot wire foam cutter - it can cut the foam but it's nearly impossible to get a straight cut, and as these foam mats are much denser than insulation foam, cutting is a lot slower.  So a new cutting blade makes a big difference.

Next, I am going to come up with a few possible spaceship interior floor plans, and then cut wall pieces to match.

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