I've painted up another 20 Pulp Figures Highlanders to go with the platoon I posted about last month. I've now got almost a complete BEF 1939 Regulation Platoon (per the TFL Blitzkrieg 1940 handbook); all that's missing is the 2" mortar team. I expect to have that team finished soon. The 1939 Platoon has relatively small, 8-man sections. If I want to reorg to the 1940 Regulation Platoon, I'll need to recruit 9 more infantry to bring each section up to 11 men each.
I've organised the troops into sections following the same pattern I did for my Operation Husky platoons. Each section has a number of red dashes on the base so that (hopefully) I can keep track of which section is taking casualties through a game! Platoon HQ members each get a long dash, and each section gets short dashes to match their section number. I've also tried to put junior leaders on different size or shaped bases so that they stand out a bit from the regular chaps, just in case the big chevrons on their arms aren't obvious enough!
2 Section has the same composition as 1 Section.
I dug into my collection of WWI figures and found a Vickers gun. This gives me a pretty significant support option - a Medium Machine Gun with 5 crew!