Xenos Rampant – German Army List 24 points
Commander – Light Infantry, medic
Points 2
Attack 6+ Attack Value 6
Move Free (5+) Defence Value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot Value 6 / 18”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 8”
Armour 2 Strength Points 5
Medic – can restore one strength point to a unit within 6” on a roll of 4+ (or 5+ after medic is below half
STAFF CAR (for Commander) - Soft-skin vehicle
Points 2
Attack 6+ Attack Value 6
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 6
Shoot 7+ Shoot Value 6 / 6”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 12”
Armour 3 Strength Points 5
Vehicle – subject to all Vehicle rules
Transport (5)
Points 3
Attack 6+ Attack Value 6
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot Value 4+ / 18”
Courage 3+ Maximum Movement 12”
Armour 5 Strength Points 5
Light Armoured Vehicle – subject to all Vehicle rules
All Terrain – does not halve movement in difficult terrain
High-powered blades – count target’s armour as one point lower when Attacking or Defending
Light Infantry Squad 1
Points 3
Attack 6+ Attack Value 5+
Move Free (5+) Defence Value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot Value 5+ / 18”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 8”
Armour 2 Strength Points 10
Increased Squad Size (10)
Firefight – may attempt Firefight reaction against first enemy unit to fire on it each turn
Go to Ground – may Go To Ground as a Move action instead of moving
Half-track Sd Kfz 251 for first squad
Points 5
Attack 6+ Attack Value 6
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 6
Shoot 6+ Shoot Value 5+ / 12”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 10”
Armour 5 Strength Points 5
Vehicle – subject to all Vehicle rules
All Terrain – does not halve movement in difficult terrain
High-powered blades – count target’s armour as one point lower when Attacking or Defending
Transport (10) – can carry an infantry unit of up to 10 strength points
Light Infantry Squad 2
Points 3
Attack 6+ Attack Value 5+
Move Free (5+) Defence Value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot Value 5+ / 18”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 8”
Armour 2 Strength Points 10
Increased Squad Size (10)
Firefight – may attempt Firefight reaction against first enemy unit to fire on it each turn
Go to Ground – may Go To Ground as a Move action instead of moving
Opel Blitz for second squad
Points 2
Attack 6+ Attack Value 6
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 6
Shoot 6+ Shoot Value 6 / 6”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 10”
Armour 3 Strength Points 5
Vehicle – subject to all Vehicle rules
Transport (10) – can carry an infantry unit of up to 10 strength points
Tripod Mounted MMG Support Infantry
Points 5
Attack - Attack Value -
Move 6+ Defence Value 5+
Shoot (Free) 7+ Shoot Value 4+ / 24”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 6”
Armour 2 Strength Points 5
Firefight – may attempt Firefight reaction against first enemy unit to fire on it each turn
Spotters – if a unit of Support Infantry targets an enemy that is within 12” of a friendly unit that has not been activated this turn, that unit may forgo its action this turn to act as spotters. Spotters improve the Support Infantry’s Shoot Value to 3+ for this action only. Support Infantry must be able to draw line of sight to the enemy as normal.
Never Attacks.
Xenos Rampant – Sorcerer’s Army List 24 points
Sorcerer (Commander/Beta Class Psychic)
Points 5
Attack 6+ Attack Value 6
Move 5+ Defence Value 5+
Shoot Free (6+) Shoot Value 6 / 18”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 6”
Armour 3 Strength Points 5
Firefight – may attempt Firefight reaction against first enemy unit to fire on it each turn
Go to Ground – may Go To Ground as a Move action instead of moving
Beta Class Psychic
Psychic Powers Table
Name Difficulty Target Duration Effect
Visions of Enemy Unit within 18” Until Unit Suppresses target unit.
Terror 7+ that is not suppressed rallies May not be used on a
suppressed unit
Tranportation 7+ Self or any unit within 18” Instantaneous Roll two dice, the
target unit is moved up
to that many inches in
the direction chosen by
the manifesting unit’s
Paralysis (create 7+ Enemy unit within 18” Instantaneous Movement or combat
counts as rough terrain
– only effects target
unit muddy ground)
Orcs (Primitive Infantry) 1
Points 2
Attack 5+ Attack Value 4+
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 5+
Shoot - Shoot Value -
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 8”
Armour 1 (2) Strength Points 10
Go to Ground – may Go To Ground as a Move action instead of moving
Open Order – does not halve movement in difficult terrain
Armoured – counts as Armour 2 in attack/defence, but armour 1 against shooting.
Increased Squad Size (10)
Savages – subject to Wild Charge special rule
Orcs (Primitive Infantry) 2
Points 2
Attack 5+ Attack Value 4+
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 5+
Shoot - Shoot Value -
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 8”
Armour 1 (2) Strength Points 10
Go to Ground – may Go To Ground as a Move action instead of moving
Open Order – does not halve movement in difficult terrain
Armoured – counts as Armour 2 in attack/defence, but armour 1 against shooting.
Increased Squad Size (10)
Savages – subject to Wild Charge special rule
Orc Bows (Primitive Infantry)
Points 4
Attack 5+ Attack Value 3+
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot Value 6 / 12”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 8”
Armour 1 Strength Points 10
Go to Ground – may Go To Ground as a Move action instead of moving
Open Order – does not halve movement in difficult terrain
Armoured – counts as Armour 2 in attack/defence, but armour 1 against shooting.
Increased size (10)
Bows – target unit’s armour value is increased by 1
Giants (greater xenomorph)
Points 6
Attack 5+ Attack Value 3+
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 6
Shoot - Shoot Value -
Courage 3+ Maximum Movement 10”
Armour 4 Strength Points 5
Open Order – does not halve movement in difficult terrain
Ranger – uses normal Attack/Defence profile in rough terrain
Wild Charge – subject to Wild Charge special rule
Fearsome – Courage tests caused by the Giants suffer an additional -1 to the total
High-powered blades – count target’s armour as one point lower when Attacking or Defending
Giant Spiders (lesser xenomorph)
Points 6
Attack 5+ Attack Value 3+
Move Free (6+) Defence Value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot Value 5+ / 12”
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 12”
Armour 3 Strength Points 10
Open Order – does not halve movement in difficult terrain
Ranger – uses normal Attack/Defence profile in rough terrain
Swarm – 10 strength points
Stun weapons (webs) – hits from shooting do not cause strength point loss, but have double impact for
courage tests