Sunday 11 August 2024

WaT at Bonsor

On Friday, we put on a What a Tanker game at the monthly Trumpeter gaming night at Bonsor.  The setting was Tunisia in 1943, and featured a diverse mix of mid-war tanks, plus a couple of early war ones as well (a Somua S-35 with the Free French, and a Renault R-35 in Italian service).  Players included Craig (who helped out with rules interpretation as well), Arthur's friend Oliver and his dad Tyler, and Arnaud, a visitor to the club from France.  Arnaud took the Somua :).

The basic setup was a village, with loads of walls that added penalties for acquiring and shooting.

Oliver's Panzer IV using walls to cover his approach.

Lulubelle takes to the field.

Tiger brews up a Sherman while Bert the Churchill maneuvers into position.

Somua and Sherman Corvette flank the two assault guns.

Multiway standoff as the Stug flanks the Somua, then gets flanked by Sgt Gunn's M3 Lee Lulubelle. 

Ultimately we had to call the game without a conclusion as we ran out of time.  The game ended up with some crazy happenings, as getting the dice combinations were not cooperative, and when someone could shoot they ended up missing!  Arthur's Tiger was not able to get the dice he needed so he decided to ram into the Churchill, and ended up taking even more damage than he inflicted.  It was a fun intro to the club for Tyler and Oliver, and to WaT for Arnaud.

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