Sunday 6 October 2024

Russian Revolutionaries!

 Around three years ago, I picked up the 'Defenders of the Manor' from Siberia Miniatures.  And now I have finally painted their adversaries, the enthusiastic Bolshevik rebels.  According to Siberia's website, many of these rebels are caricatures of modern politicians of the 2010s, but most are unfamiliar to me!

Banners are always fun.  Arthur provided the slogans. The one on the right is 'Land Bread and Freedom', the one on the left is 'Long Live the Revolution'.

The other side of the banner says 'Down with Capitalism', because two sides to the banner means two different slogans.  Correction - it means 'Down with Capitalists' - a subtle but significant difference!

Some rebels.  I couldn't figure out why the one on the left is carrying around a big pole.  The accordion player is a caricature of Putin, and the soldier dancing to his tune is based on Medvedev.

The chap with the sabre is based on Turkish President Erdogan.

Two well-dressed women

And a child rebel leading a bear.  Possibly a metaphor for the changes that the revolution brought to Russia!

I also finished up this Copplestone figure that has been in my lead pile for far longer than I care to admit!

And finally a group shot showing all the Siberia figures, defenders of manor as well as the rebels.

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