Sunday, 30 September 2018

Warfare Miniatures GNW Russians

I was very excited on Friday to open my mailbox and find that the packaged I'd ordered from Warfare Miniatures had arrived!  They are very beautiful figures.  Now, normally I'd wait until I'd slapped some paint on the miniatures before posting up a review, but Doug asked for photos so here they are.

I ordered a regiment pack, Russian Infantry Defending, and two packs of cavalry, one of cavalry command and one of regular troopers.  I wasn't thinking clearly when I made the order, and forgot that it contains 20 figures, not enough to split into two units of 12 to match our Pikeman's Lament forces.  Now I have to decide if I order another infantry pack or make up the numbers with figures from somewhere else (and if you know me, you know it's just a matter of time before I place another order to Barry Hilton....)

So, here are the infantry.  Nice clean casts, barely any cleaning required.  Only omission is that there are no pikes for the 5 pikemen and no flagpoles, so I'll be making up those with brass rod.  Hands are closed, so I will need to located a pin vise or dremel somewhere to drill them open.

Reverse view

Closed hand!  As seen on a pikeman, same effect for the officers.

Here are the dragoons.  The dragoon standard bearer is cast with an open hand, so I guess I can work on these first.

Quick and dirty comparison shot, showing L-R Wargames Factory/Warlord Games WSS plastic infantry, Warfare Miniatures, Ebor (dragoon) and Ebor (grenadier)

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