Friday 23 June 2023

Partisans from Wargames Atlantic

 Wargames Atlantic plastic kits are turning out to be great fun.  This is a set I've been wanting to pick up for quite a while, Partisans (1) French Resistance.  The title of the box creates hope that there will be more variations on the theme coming!  The box includes 8 frames with 4 torsos each, but with loads of head and arm options, the variants possible are extensive.  Here are the first 16 figures.

I had an idea that I could use this kit to make unarmed civilians for either my 1943 Sicily or 1940 France campaigns, as bystanders or refugees.  The 1940 campaign in particular has great opportunity for civilians as refugees clogging the roads or as fifth columnists.  I experimented a bit with the arms and heads in the box, and feel they have potential but I'll need to work on them a bit to come up with a bit more variation in how they look.

The Bren gun came from the box, but the MG34 (or MG42,I can't tell the difference) came from the bitz box, I think it's from a Warlord Games frame.

As these are meant to be 'French' partisans, many of the heads provided are wearing berets.  As I have a great start on forces for the campaigns in Italy, though, I decided to make some of the figures a bit more Italian by giving a couple of figures Alpini hats from the Wargames Atlantic Italian Infantry box to make them look like some Northern Italian farmers - and so raising questions about what they're doing in Sicily or Calabria!  The chap with the red scarf and the Italian red devil hand grenade is meant to reflect the red scarves of the Communist-alligned Garibaldi Brigades. 

And these two have Beretta submachineguns, also from the Italian Infantry box set.

And then here are the rest of the first batch.

All in all, I'm quite happy with this set, and will probably be picking up another box depending on how many more civvies I want to build.

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