Thursday, 13 January 2022

Barrow Wights

 For our Middle-earth games (see yesterday's battle reports), I knew we were going to need some barrow wights.  Fortunately I remembered to pick up a couple of candidates at the Imperial Hobbies Boxing Week sale!  After some very quick and dirty paint jobs, they were ready to take to the tabletop for the Fog on the Barrow Downs scenario.

Candidate number 1 is a Reaper metal miniature.  She's the one on the right with the whispy white dress and flowing grey locks.  Number 2 is Reaper resin.  He's the big burly fellow with all the armour.  And Number 3 is a Games Workshop Warhammer plastic banshee.  She was interesting to assemble: she's a multi-piece plastic model, went together like a charm and took the paint very nicely.

The big Reaper bruiser came with a fancy stone coffin thingie.  I gave it a quick basecoat and drybrush.  The little white-robed figures are official GW Middle-earth models from about 18 years ago, and represent the hobbits that have been captured and trussed up by the barrow-wights.  So in our latest game, they actually got to show up on the table as God and the Perry twins originally intended! 

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