Tuesday 1 October 2024

Petrukha and the Shield Maidens

 No, not a band headlining at the local pub, just some figures I finished painting over the weekend :)

First up are the four shieldmaidens from Wargames Atlantic 3D/Only Games.  Playing to stereotypes, all four are blondes.  It was fun to paint slightly more colourful clothing for a change!  No particular plans for these, they may show up in a fantasy or dark ages game sometime.

Next up is my take on Petrukha, the naïve young soldier assigned to assist Comrade Sukhov in White Sun of the Desert.  I simply took one of the Wargames Atlantic WWI Russians with a budenovka hat.  This model doesn't look quite as young as the actor in the movie, but for me, he's close enough!.