Friday 30 December 2022

AGNM Supports for the 1940 Germans

 While Army Group North Miniatures (AGNM) is officially on hiatus, I reached out to Andy for an update, and he was able to send me a few models that he still had in stock.  

First up is a Panzer III E, which was one of versions that participated in the invasion of France (at least according to Tanks Encyclopedia).  I decided to assemble it 'buttoned up', first off as I didn't have a tank commander figure handy, but also because I found that in games it's too much bother to swap the TC in and out anyway.

Here are a couple of shots showing the German armour that I've assembled to date, including the AGNM Panzer 38(t) and the Company B SdKfz 221 light armoured car.

Andy was also able to provide me a 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (7.5 cm le.IG 18), along with 6 crewman (rather than the usual 3, thanks Andy!).  The 7.5cm IG is much more likely to see action on the table, as my Siggy is a bit overpowered for most games.

Here are the crewmen.

And a few glamour shots of Iggy.

And a comparison shot of Iggy, the 7.5 cm light infantry gun and Siggy, the 15 cm heavy infantry gun.  While Siggy would be able to knock down anything in its way, it would be much easier to move Iggy's 400 kg compared to Siggy's 1600 kg!

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